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How to Network at Holiday Gatherings

Breakout the eggnog and winter decorations, the holidays are officially upon us! Along with the holiday season comes plenty of parties and opportunities to mix and mingle with family, friends and peers. Therefore, make the effort to connect with friends and family to see how they are doing and, while you’re at it, practice a little holiday networking.

Tis the Season to Catch up with old Friends as well as Make new Ones

For financial advisors, networking can be a powerful tool. While attending holiday gatherings, catch up with old friends and try to make new ones. Is your cousin looking to buy their first home? Or perhaps your family friend is gearing up for retirement.  Depending on what stage your peers are at in their life, you may be able to assist them with your area of expertise. To take advantage of this opportunity, follow the suggested steps below on how to network at holiday gatherings:

Talk Less and Listen More — The best way to network is to ask meaningful questions and truly listen to the responses provided. You should avoid prepping questions that are specifically to inquire about a person’s financial situation. Instead, have a natural conversation and keep your ears open for chances to discuss how your profession helps others reach their financial goals.

Keep it Casual — Holiday parties are social events, so make sure not to bring down the mood with too much work conversation. Instead, focus on further developing relationships as well as establishing some new ones. Networking is a process and you should first and foremost form genuine relationships with potential customers.

Bring Business Cards — If your occupation does become a talking point, make sure to have a few business cards on hand to give away. That being said, do not go around passing out cards unless an individual expresses interest in your professional assistance.

The first step in networking holiday events is attending. Once there, you can easily find yourself enjoying the presence of friends and family. If an opportunity to expand your network arises through socializing at an event, follow up. This can be in the form of a phone call, email or even another in-person meeting.

For more tips on how a financial advisor can expand their network this holiday season, contact NEXT’s Marketing Department.

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