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Niche Inspired Events

Think about it—someone nearing retirement is not going to have the same values or perspective on your services that a next generation investor will have. Use these differences to your advantage! Opt to host more individualized events that may be smaller, but are tailored to your attendees’ particular needs.  This will help you position yourself not only as a trusted resource, but also as a valuable connection who understands clients beyond their portfolios.

We’ve put together some event ideas based on the niche needs of a few targeted markets.  Feel free to use these or build upon them to create an avenue for connecting with your potential prospects.

Empty Nesters

You are one of the many to see pre-retirees as the golden goose for retirement planning.  Stand out from the crowd of advisors vying for their attention by letting these prospects know that you are here to help them with their life outside of finances.

Most members of this demographic are recent empty nesters.  Try teaming up with a local business and putting on an event that could complement your financial plans during this time of new-found freedom, such as a wine tasting, cooking class or a vacation planning workshop.

New Families

New families are eager to get serious about their financial futures.  Many of them are saving to buy their first home or are already seeking guidance on how to put their little ones through college. That being said, don’t shy away from making your time spent with them family-friendly.

Try hosting a prospecting event that everyone can enjoy, such as a BBQ picnic or movie night with plenty of promotional items to go around. This allows clients to know that you are invested in their family as a whole from the start and could encourage loyalty when the time comes for their kiddos to start investing.


With today’s women trading in their household chores for office duties and more ladies living longer than men, financial advisors have made targeting women a priority.

Get in touch with this rapidly growing demographic by introducing your services at social gatherings that these prospects enjoy most.

Delve into hosting a spa day at a nail salon where the ladies can discuss financial planning with you and other attendees while getting pampered.


Millennials can be tough eggs to crack as far as convincing this generation of spenders to save.  However, there is certainly one characteristic that financial advisors should consider when planning an event to connect with this group—their social mindedness.

Try sponsoring a service opportunity to help gather this group of 20 somethings in one place to help the community and promote your services.  Together, you guys can make a difference in the world—and in their financial plans for the future!


Entrepreneurs are always in need of financial advising.  However, many of them are too busy running their small businesses to even have a consultation meeting with you.

Why not have your event take some of their work day duties off of their hands and center it around a routine they would normally take part in during office hours?

We suggest partnering with a local shredding company and putting on a shredding event where multiple small businesses can come to your office and shred old documents while they learn about you and your services.

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