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Don’t Leave Out the “Triple Threat” from Your Strategic Plan

Your firm is on task.  Your numbers look good and your team is managing client projects; the usual business cycle seems to be going well.

Is Your Team Performing Their Best?

But, there is a sense that your team could do better. Within your  success there is stagnation and your future leaders lack consistency or balance in selling key solutions and taking the initiative to bolster a relationship with clients beyond the transaction.

While experts in their field, your key leaders are missing opportunities to solidify and cross-sell clients on beneficial services and solutions. They may even echo your concern and know that we “should” stay in touch with past clients, cross- sell services and products they need anyway and be more relational. But “I don’t have time to follow up or I’m not good at sales, or I tried and they didn’t want it” are all indicators you have a “People Problem.”

Do You Know Your Team’s Behavioral Traits?

When you experience this type of feedback or notice client retention and returns are weak, it’s time to take a good look not at your team’s expertise, but their behavior.  Experts in key professional services companies tend to prefer to do what they do well: accounting, architecture, financial services, etc.  They may be uncomfortable or just unsure of how to build client loyalty.

Behavioral And Leadership Styles

Regardless of the reason, you must solve the “People Problem” to ensure exponential growth in your business and in your leaders. Assessing behavioral styles and understanding what motivates your team is a critical component of developing your leaders.

That development will directly make an impact on your business numbers. Knowing their leadership style and understanding their behavior will give you insight and therefore solutions on how to develop each team member to be the most effective and motivated.

Knowing yourself and your team is the egg in the cake batter: it helps your team grow and go more effectively.

You know this. You’ve even had your team assessed and your team member was given their results. Most firms stop here. Unless an assessment can spotlight on key behaviors and what motivates them, identifying their “style” or “personality type” may be useless alone.

Assessment Combination

A strong assessment combination that I use includes:

The DISC Profile – starting wide with behavior

The Rainmaker Efficiency Profile – which looks at seven competencies for an Effective Sales Profile

The Motivators Assessment – helps in recognizing situations where they will succeed by understating seven dimensions of motivational drivers.

By assessing the whole person, behavior, personality and motivation and then adjusting your approach in mentoring and developing your team, you will be addressing the “People Problem” in a customized manner which will provide your firm with the results you had planned more effectively.

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