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NFISCO – Your Insurance Solution

Incorporating insurance strategies into your financial plan can help give you a comprehensive and fully-rounded perspective on your course for the future. However, with the many types of insurance products available through thousands of providers, individual investors need guidance from financial professionals to help them sift through the options and find insurance solutions that fit their goals.

Finding Insurance Solutions That Fit Your Business

NEXT Financial Insurance Services Company, or NFISCO, works to partner with some of the industry’s leading Financial Marketing Organizations and insurance firms. Developed with advisors in mind, NFISCO is a third-party affiliate of NEXT that helps advisors build their book of business by offering insurance to meet their customers’ needs. NFISCO’s main goal is to better the advisor experience by cultivating relationships with prominent organizations who add value to their practice. NFISCO travels and presents at NEXT conferences to raise awareness of their services and help advisors see the important role insurance can play in their business.

Some of the upcoming events NFISCO will host are the Advisors. Coaching. Education. (A.C.E.) event in New Orleans, two regional events in Texas and Minnesota, as well as their annual Fall Forum.

Another value-add NFISCO brings is the Annuity Rate Watch, a program that gives advisors access to an extensive fixed indexed and fixed annuity database, monitoring more than 1,400 products from over 80 carriers.

To find out more about NFISCO and how NEXT can help you incorporate insurance solutions into your practice, contact us today.

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