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Summer is Here! Tips for Balancing Work Life with Personal

Summer is officially upon us, meaning work-life balance can become more of a challenge. Are sandy beaches or gorgeous mountain tops on your mind? Perhaps you’d prefer spending long summer days in the convenience of your own home appose to traveling to a favorite vacation destination. Whatever your idea of relaxation may be, you will be happy to know that there is a way to balance work with your desires to soak up the summer sun!

Summer Stay-Cation

Even if you don’t have the opportunity to take time off from work for a summer vacation, a stay-cation or long weekend may be just what you need to recharge and catch up on some much needed family time. You can also take advantage of the many three-day holiday weekends that take place throughout summertime, such as Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day.

Making the Most of Your Weekend

One way to ensure that long weekends can be dedicated to relaxation is to get ahead during the week. This will limit the chance of having to take work home on Friday. You can also get the most important tasks done Monday through Friday, and leave less demanding work for Sunday night while watching your favorite TV series on Netflix. This will keep your personal time low stress, even if that means staying late or putting in some extra effort during the week.

Time Away From the Office

If you do decide to take some time off for vacation, give plenty of notice prior to scheduling a trip, and try to communicate some boundaries with your supervisor. If they are expecting you to remain connected, let them know that you will only be able to check your email and/or voicemail periodically throughout the day. You may also suggest only being contacted in critical situations that need your immediate attention. This will reduce the amount of distractions you have while enjoying time for yourself.

No matter what your method for relaxation is, it is important to make time for it. Step away from screens and breath some fresh summer air so come Monday morning, you will be ready to take on another week with energy and optimism.


“37 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance” The Muse. Retrieved from:

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